LA CROSSE— Jeffrey Burggraf of Lancaster, Bachelor of Science, Exercise and Sport Science Major: Exercise Science - Fitness Track, completed degree requirements at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in August.
UW-La Crosse, founded in 1909, is one of the 13 four-year comprehensive institutions in the University of Wisconsin System. UWL has more than 10,400 students enrolled in 43 undergraduate majors, 17 master’s degree offerings and three certificate programs.
UW-La Crosse - - is the state’s top-ranked public or private higher education institution by U.S. News & World Reports for master’s degree institutions and has been ranked among the top four Midwestern public institutions for more than a decade. Kiplinger’s magazine named UWL on its list of the 25 Best College Values Under $30,000 a Year.
UW-La Crosse announces August 2015 graduates