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UW-La Crosse graduates
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LA CROSSE—The following students completed degree requirements at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in May. The 105th annual Spring Commencement was held at the La Crosse Center Sunday, May 10.
Students earning degrees in May included: Nathan Budack of Lancaster, Bachelor of Science, Marketing Major; Kyle Noble of Lancaster, Bachelor of Science, Marketing Major; Kayla Sanger of Lancaster, Bachelor of Arts, French Major: Business Concentration; and Samantha Suckow of Potosi, Bachelor of Science, Exercise and Sport Science Major: Exercise Science - Fitness Track, Honors.

UW-Richland Alumni honorees sought
UW-Richland Alumni honorees sought

The Alumni Association honors 2 County College graduates and 3 Richland Campus attendees each year at the fall brunch.  This year’s event will be Saturday, October 7, location yet to be determined.

There is no formal nomination form – just a letter telling us why you think the person should be chosen.  Criteria includes years of attendance, professional and community achievements, involvement in organizations, other awards, etc.  The candidate does not have to be a paid member of the Alumni Association.

Please send nominations to Kathy Granger, Alumni Association President, E17384 County V, Hillsboro, WI  54634 or email to by the end of April.  Call 608 489-3629 with any questions.