Stuart and Margie Chase of Glen Haven are celebrating 50 years of marriage this month.
Stuart Chase and Margie Metcalf were married Aug. 22, 1964, in Glen Haven’s St. Mary’s Catholic Church. They operated up to 750 acres and raised cattle and hogs during their farming career in Bloomington. Now mostly retired, they still manage some cropland and enjoy gardening, riding ATVs, touring the country by car, traveling abroad, and visiting their children and grandchildren.
Stuart and Margie have two daughters and three granddaughters. Their daughter Kari (married to Dan Rosenberger) is a doctor in Chicago. Their daughter Kim (married to Shad Hubbard) lives in Singapore with their kids Anya, Claire and Emma.
Stuart and Margie are planning a tropical winter-getaway with their family to celebrate the 50-year milestone!
Chases celebrate 50th wedding anniversary