It is now time for each of us to call upon our inner strength. This virus has challenged each of us; coming together as one voice and one community will create the strength and support needed to help our families, neighbors, and communities. The road to defeat this virus is long, difficult, and uncharted. WE are up to the challenge through kindness, generosity, patience, and the undeniable belief that together we will defeat this virus. There will be times we will struggle, be afraid, and not understand why this is happening. During these times, know your neighbors and family are there for hope and understanding. Together our fears will fuel our strength in believing in each other through kindness, hope, and encouragement. The more difficult the challenge the brighter the light when success arrives; it will arrive and we will be stronger!
The school district and city of Fennimore have partnered to keep the community informed. Below are resources to assist during these challenging times. If you need something or know of anyone who does, please reach out for support.
Fennimore School District Latest Post
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time. We recognize that this is a time of uncertainty and stress for many families. We recognize the importance of maintaining a balance between student learning and family commitments.
The district will be moving to a pass/fail grading system for all students in grades 4K-12. The teachers are going to check in on the students and their progress each week. Teachers will continue to share assignments and projects with students as well as feedback on their progress.
High school students will receive credit for a passing grade, however, this will not impact their grade point average.
Third-quarter report cards for grades 1-12 will be available next week on Family Access. 4K report cards were previously sent home. Kindergarten will mail home report cards. If you have difficulty accessing your child’s report card in Family Access contact:
•Elementary School: Carrie Friederick at 822-3285 ext 2100 or Carol Jozefowicz ext 3601
•Middle/High School: Renee Nelson at 822-3245 ext 3101 or Carol Jozefowicz ext 3601
City of Fennimore Voter
Message from Debi Heisner,
City Clerk
We are now nine days away from Election Day. I want to remind you the SAFEST way to cast your ballot is by absentee ballot. This will keep your risk of exposure to the COVID19 virus at its minimum as well as the risk to our poll workers. To request an absentee ballot, go to
Feel free to contact me, Debi Heisner, with any questions by calling 608-822-7271 any day of the week. Please share this information with your neighbors and your friends and get the word out. If you know of anyone without internet connection, please tell them to call me. I can help them get an absentee application with little to no worries.
If you would like to receive your ballot by email please email the following information to your City Clerk, Debi Heisner at name, address where registered, email address if different from the email you are sending from, the election(s) you wish to receive ballots for (April 2020 or all elections for 2020) and include a picture of your Photo ID (driver’s license). There are specific instructions for printing and returning the ballot so please pay attention to the details.
You must return your ballot by mail or deposit it in our drop box in front of city hall. Ballots must be received by April 7 at 8 p.m.
Fennimore Community
Food Ladies Post
Please visit their Facebook page for additional information.
Fennimore community members understand that during this difficult time families and community members of all ages in the Fennimore School District will be in need of food services. Fennimore Community Schools, Fennimore Community Food Ladies pantry, and the Fennimore Food Pantry Depot Exchange are working in partnership to provide FREE food to families and community members during the Stay at Home mandate by Governor Evers. To assist, the Fennimore Schools are providing free food to the pantries, and the pantries are also accepting donations from community members.
To avoid contact and adhere to the mandate and social distancing, call to make arrangements for a FREE delivery of food to your home. Call 608-822-3782 to contact the Fennimore Community Food Ladies Pantry. This is all CONFIDENTIAL, we’re all helping one another. People need to do social distancing and stay at home, and times are difficult. Upon delivery, no contact will be made between the recipients and the delivery person. Safety precautions are in place for our volunteers, as well as those receiving food and donating food. The first scheduled delivery date is Thursday, April 2 and will be between 2-4 p.m.
The Fennimore Community Food Ladies Pantry has a Facebook page with pantry information and updates. They are located in the Fenway House Hotel Banquet Hall, 1096 Lincoln Avenue, Fennimore, only open at specific times for donations. The Fennimore Food Pantry Depot Exchange is located on Lincoln Avenue in Fennimore and is open the first and third Wednesday of the month from 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Fennimore Police Department, Chief French
Fennimore Police Officers spend a lot of time training and preparing for community emergencies, but a global pandemic was not the emergency we expected. We have been monitoring best practices guidelines and implementing them as they evolve to keep officers and the community healthy.
FPD will continue to provide 24-hour law enforcement coverage. Social distancing practices may cause us to respond by phone, ask to meet with you outside or we may wear personal protective equipment (PPE) during our contact. Our goal is to keep the community safe and healthy.
We would like to thank all the businesses, schools, and private citizens who have donated or made available to us hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, N-95 masks and other PPE. These items have become critical supplies to first responders as medical facilities are being re-supplied first.
We appreciate your voluntary compliance with Governor Evers’ Safer at Home order. We understand many businesses and citizens in our community have been severely affected and we all look forward to returning to normal community interaction as soon as the guidelines are lifted.
Additional Resources
Grant County:
City of Fennimore:
Wisconsin Department of Health Services:
Governor Tony Evers COVID19:
Fennimore Community Schools: Elementary, Middle and High School Facebook pages. Skylerts to parents, guardians, and students.