The city of Darlington Police Department is investigating an underage alcohol consumption incident that took place at a Main Street residence on Saturday night and Sunday morning, Dec. 6 and 7.
Darlington Police, Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department and Shullsburg Police discovered the incident at roughly 1:55 a.m.
Delete - Merge As of the time of this news release, a total of 24 subjects had been cited as a result of the incident with over 20 of those being for underage alcohol consumption.
Brodie Flannery, 22, of Darlington, and Dillon Varner, 23, of Blanchardville face charges of hosting an underage alcohol party, according to a press release from the Darlington Police Department. Flannery was also cited for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
The following subjects were cited for underage alcohol consumption:
From Darlington: Anna Fitzsimons, 18; Cole Gollmer, 17 and a 15-year-old female juvenile whose name has been withheld.
From Albany: Jeremy Barnett, 19; Emily Burger, 19; Jayden Diaz Barnett, 17; Joey Diaz Barnett, 17.
From Monroe: Autumn Foster, 19; Alyssa McMahon, 17; Paige Gilman, 19; Jacob Anderson, 18; Saisamorn Luangaram, 17; Alyson Abb, 19; Ashley Neuenschwander, 17; Terri Holmes, 18 and Matthew Siegel, 17.
From Brodhead: Jordan Halvorsen, 18 and Mikayla Hanson, 17.
From New Glarus: Dylan Johnson, 18.
From Juda: Ellorah Johnson, 18.
From Dodgeville: Tristan Hill, 18 and a 16-year-old female juvenile whose name was withheld.
All the subjects of this case were detained and released to parents or other sober adults. Some subjects, however, did manage to flee the scene by jumping out windows, including from the second story of the building, but no injuries were reported, said the press release.
“House parties of this magnitude are typically heard of in college towns or country settings, not in Darlington,” said Darlington Police Chief Jason King. “I don’t recall there ever being one of this magnitude within the corporate boundaries of Darlington during my 21 years on the force. We intend to send a very loud and clear message to anyone involved in this case, or anyone out there who may think this sort of behavior is acceptable in Darlington, that it will not be tolerated. Underage drinking parties can disturb the peace and can lead to injuries, drug abuse, sexual assault, drunken driving, and other undesirable behaviors,” King concluded.
This matter remains under investigation and more citations or charges may be issued as more information is attained by the Darlington Police Department.
Total fines issued at the time of this news release exceed $6,300 and all subjects cited for underage alcohol consumption will lose their driver’s licenses for three months if convicted.