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A new high school choice
Holy Family High School to open in Ridgeway this fall
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Many Southwest Wisconsin communities have Catholic grade schools.

Southwest Wisconsin has not had a Catholic high school since Campion Jesuit High School in Prairie du Chien closed in 1975. Southwest Wisconsin has not had a parochial high school  since Martin Luther Prep School in Prairie du Chien, which used the former Campion facilities, merged with another Lutheran school and left the area in 1995.

That will change when Holy Family High School opens this fall, first in a Catholic school in Ridgeway, and eventually at a site to be determined in the Dodgeville area.

“Our diocese is historically underserved by Catholic education,” said Del Carey, a UW–Platteville professor and member of the Holy Family School board.

Carey said the Diocese of La Crosse has 11 Catholic high schools, the Diocese of Green Bay has 13 high schools, and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has more than 30 high schools. The Diocese of Madison has just Edgewood High School, run by the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters, and St. Ambrose Academy, both in Madison.

“If you’ve had a Catholic education you know it’s different from a public education, and you’ve not constrained by formulas — it offers you a little more freedom in what you teach,” said Carey, a Mineral Point native who discovered the difference when he attended Marquette University in Milwaukee. Getting a Marquette degree “changed everything,” he said.

The genesis of Holy Family came from a group of parents who wanted their children educated in Catholic schools until high school graduation at least.

“The core of the group all had children in fourth, fifth, sixth grade, and they all hoped they could get this thing going by the time their kids were in high school,” said Carey. “Our hope is that our best strategy for enrollment is to recruit kids directly out of Catholic schools, and public schools within our footprint. If parents are already sending kids to Catholic elementary and middle schools, they already appreciate what Catholic education means.”

The school plans to set tuition at $3,600 per student, with a $300 book fee. That would be the second lowest tuition for a Wisconsin  Catholic high school, behind only Assumption High School in Wisconsin Rapids.

Carey said Holy Family will be “college prep, not employment prep,” emphasizing critical thinking. In addition to the four major subject areas of English, math, science and social science, Holy Family’s curriculum will focus on religion and theology.

“Studies have shown for close to 40 years — the average person who graduates from a public school has a 44 percent chance of graduating from college,” said Carey. “The average for a Catholic-educated person is 90 percent.”
Carey said four years at Holy Family would mean “$14,400 for a high school education, which is roughly the same as one year of a college education. Is that 90 percent chance at a college degree worth $14,400? Because once you get that degree your average income is double than if you don’t. You’ll make that $14,400 in a larger salary your first year.”

The school is likely to have no seniors, probably no juniors, and few sophomores at first.

“The first year is always going to be the toughest,” said Carey. “Convincing people to send their kids to a school that hasn’t opened yet is tough. It’s entirely possible we’ll only have five or six kids the first year. But we do know there are a lot of kids coming — fifth and sixth grades.”

The first year won’t have high school athletics, and probably not music either. The school will have two unique scheduling touches — a “zero hour” for students who can get to the school before its 8:15 a.m. starting time, and no core classes after 2:45 p.m., allowing students to get independent help before the school day ends.

Both are “really important to us because as a Catholic school we’re requiring 25 credits for graduation,” said Carey. “Any kid who transfers in is already behind.”

Holy Family’s eventual enrollment goal is 100 to 140, smaller than the typical La Crosse diocese high school of 150 to 200 enrollment, but “still double than some of the schools around here,” said Carey.

The school’s anticipated enrollment boundary is bordered by Monroe on the south, Richland Center on the north, the River Valley School District to the east, and the Mississippi River — 20 to 40 miles from Dodgeville. Within that area, Catholic grade schools, some up to eighth grade, are in Dickeyville (Holy Ghost/Immaculate Conception), Potosi (Sts. Andrew–Thomas), Bloomington (St. Mary), Cassville (St. Charles Borromeo), Cuba City (St. Rose of Lima), Darlington (Holy Rosary), Hazel Green (St. Joseph), Lancaster (St. Clement), Monroe, Plain and Spring Green.

“If you’ve got five or six kids out of those areas, you’re up to 40, and you’re already halfway to what you need,” said Carey.

Holy Family is also targeting the Platteville area, even though Platteville doesn’t have a Catholic school since the closing of St. Mary School last year.

“I don’t think that affects the appeal of a Catholic high school,” said Carey, since parents were sending their children to St. Mary’s before it closed. Many former St. Mary students now go to St. Rose in Cuba City.

“We’re not going to politicize things,” he said.  “We’re not going to be the new left wing of the church or the new right wing of the church.”

Carey’s model for Holy Family is Catholic Central High School in Burlington, which serves several smaller southeast Wisconsin communities. “It’s a much smaller community than having Eau Claire with 50,000 or Wisconsin Rapids with 20,000,” he said. “It’s more a regional school than a small urban school.”

The biggest challenge beyond getting children to a school that exists only on paper at the moment is transportation. Carey said getting children to Holy Family will be “pretty much up to the parents” for the first couple of years. Carey said Burlington Catholic Central has a shuttle bus system in the communities it serves.

A handful of southwest Wisconsin students attend Walhert Catholic High School in Dubuque.

“In starting a new school, you don’t want to come up against the tradition of 50, 60, 70 years,” said Carey. “We’re going to try to appeal to anybody that’s Catholic. I don’t know how many people know this, but ‘catholic’ means ‘universal.’ We are going to be open to anyone. Our emphasis is college prep, and morality and faith in classes.  You can’t offer these things in a public school.”

Classes this fall will be held in the former St. Bridget School in Ridgeway. “It’s a temporary solution,” said Carey. “We want to be in the Dodgeville/Mineral Point area.”

The school will not be accredited as a Catholic school until “four or five years down the line,” said Carey.

Special Education has a primary importance
At North Crawford
Special Education
THE NORTH CRAWFORD special education department is an integral part of the district and a point of Trojan pride. The department staff is made up of, from left, Christopher Finnell, Erin Konichek, Olivia Gabrielson, Jen Pedersen, Cara Wood, Sara Troshynski-Fredelake, Melinda Biege, and Emily Patti, as well as Tracy Morovits-Feye and Andrew Watters, who are not pictured. - photo by JORDAN DERRICK

It seems these days, special education plays a vital role in supporting student equity and equality.

In the North Crawford School District, the special education department is extremely important to the staff, students, and community.

At North Crawford, 18.8% of the student population require special education services, according to the 2023-24 district report card. This is a similar figure to most nearby districts.

Despite having similar numbers, the school’s special ed department is often considered one of the best in the area.

“Our department is really dedicated to making sure we get the best out of the kids, and that they get the best out of us,” high school special education teacher Andrew Watters said about the program. “We are willing to try new things and are always adapting our program.”

The purpose of the department is to provide better access to education for students who need more support.

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is a federal law that outlines special education in public schools. It is described as a law that “makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.”

The Act was reauthorized and renamed in 1990, from the EHA or Education for All Handicapped Children Act. The EHA was originally put into place in 1975, to protect the rights of and require meeting the needs of disabled youth. 

Since the EHA, and now the IDEA, schools and services have become much more inclusive and beneficial for disabled students, with nearly 7.3 million students receiving special education services in the 2021-22 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

North Crawford Student Services Director Cara Wood says that she has noticed the negative feelings that many families have toward special education in public schools.

This stigma makes it harder on the students, as they or their families may fear mistreatment or poor services. Wood says that North Crawford is working to fight these fears and continue to provide the best services they can.

Public schools must comply with IDEA, otherwise they may face legal action and/or loss of federal funding.

“Special education is not optional,” North Crawford Superintendent Brandon Munson said about funding the program. “We cannot turn down high needs students, so we pay for the services, whether we have the budget or not.” 

The disability groups covered under the act include:

• autism;

• deaf-blindness;

• deafness and hearing impairment;

• emotional disturbance;

• intellectual disability;

• orthopedic impairment;

• other health impairment;

• specific learning disability;

• speech or language impairment;

• traumatic brain injury; or

• visual impairment (including blindness).

With such a broad range of students, many who qualify for the special education program choose not to participate, as not all qualifying students and their families feel they need the support.

Often times, students with certain disabilities can even grow out of the program.

“Students learn as they function and grow, and, especially with disabilities like autism, certain students may outgrow special education,” Director of Student Services Cara Wood said.

Special education from the district ranges from students ages 3-21. Children with developmental disabilities can participate in the Wisconsin birth-to-3 program, where they offer speech, occupational, and physical therapy before the children begin attending school.

The end of a student’s K-12 services doesn’t end their access to services. Once students reach the end of their K-12 career, they have a right to disability accommodations in many higher-education institutions and workplaces.

Adapting is extremely important for the entire special education department, students and staff alike, whether it is to the next chapter in their life or their next student.

“There is constant change. No day is exactly the same, no student is exactly the same,” Watters said.

The basis of any special education program is the IEP, or Individualized Education Plan.

Every student in the special education program has an IEP. Its purpose is to evaluate the circumstances of and plan for each student’s year.

The meeting includes the parent or guardian and teachers of the student, along with the director of special education. As described by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, “an IEP is a program designed to meet the unique and individual needs of a student that qualifies… under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).” 

The IEP is a written guideline, which is revised yearly, for the special education team to follow. It serves to ensure students are receiving the necessary services and are continually meeting their educational goals throughout the year.

Superintendent Munson says that IEPs can be a key to keeping communication between the district and the students’ families open and consistent.

As the parent of a student in special education, Emily Patti feels that the program at North Crawford has done great work with her son.

Patti’s child is enrolled in North Crawford Elementary School. Throughout his time in the district, he has received an array of services, including extra instruction, emotional regulation, and help with adjusting to the school environment.

“Everybody wants to work with these kids and understand them on a really deep level,” Patti said about the program. “There isn’t one set curriculum that works across the board, in general or special education. Everyone is really adaptive and really cares.”

The feelings Patti has toward the department’s staff are not uncommon.

“We have really great teachers and assistants,” Director of Student Services Wood said. “They are always here and so committed to their roles; it’s what makes the program work.”

North Crawford's special education department has come to be highly regarded because of their relationships and communication with the families of students and their quality of services provided. 

The staff works incredibly hard to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for each student, and hopes to continue evolving the program for the better.

A unique aspect of the North Crawford department is the Trojan Brew Company, a mini coffee shop run by high school special education teacher Christopher Finnell.

Finnell started the program three years ago with his students, selling coffee to a handful of teachers in the building, and they have worked to expand it to be much larger since.

“The students involved in Trojan Brew Co. are learning valuable skills, such as managing check registers, budgeting, inventory, self-advocacy, and more,” Finnell said.

North Crawford works hard to support growth and provide a great education for every student.