In the spring of 2013, the Darlington Elementary Middle School (DEMS) presented a musical by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classes. The stage they performed on then was made of plywood and during the performance it actually started to come apart.
It was clear to the audience that there was a need for something new at DEMS. Mary Jane Sturtz approached Tina Schliem of the DEMS music department on behalf of the Darlington Optimist Club and said that they would be interested in helping fund a portable stage if the school was interested.
After Schliem did some research and realized the cost would be around $6000 she asked other Darlington organizations if they would be interested in helping to purchase a portable stage.
Schliem received a resounding yes from all who were asked. The Optimist Club became the largest donor along with The Sieg Foundation, The Darlington Lion’s Club, The Darlington Parent Music Club, The Darlington Children’s Theater and the American Legion.
Since the stage was purchased in November it has been used twice for the Kindergarten/First Grade Holiday Program and the DEMS Talent Show.
“It has been a wonderful addition to our school and one that will be used by many students for many years to come,” said Schliem.
Schliem said that all of the staff at Darlington Elementary Middle School wished to express their appreciation to all the wonderful people from all of the outstanding organizations that made this portable stage possible for the students.