PLATTEVILLE — With an unprecedented number of retirements coming at the end of this school year, the Platteville School Board began the process of replacing those retiring school district employees Monday.
The School Board voted to hire Kyle Bennett, a UW–Madison graduate who majored in World Language Education–Spanish, for a high school and middle school Spanish teacher position. Bennett was a student teacher in Madison and Waunakee.
School district support staff will be receiving Notices of Assignment following School Board approval. Superintendent of Schools Connie Valenza said the Notice of Assignment prevents support staff from filing for unemployment over the summer. Valenza said no layoffs are anticipated for now.
The School Board also approved the summer hiring of 13 teachers to teach 14 summer school classes. Valenza said additional hiring may be needed before summer classes begin.
The School Board approved increasing a position in the school district’s Information Systems office from a school-year position to an all-year position. Information Technology Manager Bill Grutz requested the change to provide IT training setup and support during the summer before the new school year begins.
The School Board also voted to hire three Platteville High School students to work with the school district’s summer cleaning crew. The students will take the roles of three retiring custodians.
The School Board accepted the resignation of Neal Wilkins Elementary School teaching assistant Michelle Sasse, who is pursuing her master’s degree, and Laura Digman as eighth-grade girls basketball coach.
The School Board reviewed the last section of the school district’s Employee Handbook, covering supervision and evaluation. The School Board is likely to vote on approving the handbook section May 29.
The school district’s information technology manager, Bill Grutz, led the School Board in a review of the school district’s proposed 2012–2015 technology plan.
• The Platteville Middle School Band will be performing at the Cheese Days Parade in Monroe Sept. 16. The School Board approved the band’s second Cheese Days appearance Monday.