SENECA - The Seneca Area School District has plenty to take pride in the school board learned at their meeting on Monday, March 16.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction honored Seneca School District’s Alex Osterkamp by selecting him as an Educator of Promise. Osterkamp is the Seneca Middle School Principal and Director of Special Education.
The DPI also honored the Seneca Middle School as being a School of Recognition.
And, there was more. Seneca teacher Diane Yager and the Seneca Youth Leadership Council were honored for producing a highly successful 30thAnnual Wellness Day at the school.
The board voted to honor both Diane Yager and the Youth Leadership students, as well as Alex Osterkamp for their achievements by selecting them for the Seneca Area School District Monthly Recognition Award.
In other business, the Seneca Area School Board:
• approved a 2020-21 school calendar, which incorporated the changes adopted in the 2019-20 calendar
• approved purchasing a parking lot line painter for $2,500–the district had been renting the machine
• reviewed the 2019-20 budget
• learned that bill for the tech services to repair computer files damaged in July 2019 ransomware attack was $8,500–the bill was forwarded to the insurance company for a reimbursement review
• learned the school board election scheduled for Tuesday, April 7 will include three people on the ballot (Mark Johnson, Shelly Davidson and Britney Joy) running for two open positions–Johnson is the current school board president, while Davidson and Joy are newcomers
• approved creating an assistant softball coach position in response to the numbers of players in the program
• approved a procedure to make employees returning from virus hotspots to have a 14-day quarantine before returning to work