Hillsboro School Superintendent Curt Bisarek’s report to the School Board Monday night was overflowing with positive information.
He and other administrators and board members will be visiting forums in the weeks ahead with important information on the November referendum. They include the Women’s Civic Club, City Council, and the townships of Hillsboro and Greenwood this week.
Next week the informative forums will be held at Knights of Columbus, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16; Village of Yuba, 8 p.m. Sept. 17; Town of Forest, Sept. 18 at 7 p.m., and St. Joseph’s Foundation, Sept. 22 at 11:30 a.m.
Additional community presentations/forums will be scheduled in October.
Free text messaging available
Bisarek made an announcement for parents and others interested in up-to-date information.
The school has transitioned to the free text messaging service. To request messages pertaining to school events, closings, or weather alerts, text @hillsboro 703 -687-9243.
He also happily announced that the Summer maintenance projects are nearly complete, and the overall budgets were met. It is anticipated that there will be $115,000 left over, meaning there will be contingency money available for other energy efficiency projects that could also be completed.
Principals report enrollment
Elementary School Principal Cara Wood reported final enrollment figures for 2014-2015 are 263, an increase of four from 2013-2014.
She also offered a report on the beginning of a new traffic plan for the drop-off and pickup of students in the front circle entrance of the Elementary building.
High School Principal Greg Zimmerman announced a decrease of enrollment from 266 students to 260.
He also reported that local students taking the ACT finished with a composite score of 22.0. The composite state average was 22.2.
All-school assembly
WXOW, Ch. 19, La Crosse, will be part of an all-school assembly on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 2 p.m. An open house will follow from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Other business
The Board discussed and, in some cases, took the following actions:
• Accepted an update on the rules for having animals on school grounds.
• Approved Sunday night activities for Homecoming Week after Matt Stekel, representing the Student Council, explained there were athletic events on every other night in the week. After realizing they couldn’t provide necessary security for a bonfire, the group settled on a fund-raiser cookout Sunday night.
• Approved a plan for attending the 2014 FAA Convention, along with students from Sparta, Cashton, Tomah, Brookwood, and Iowa Grant from Oct. 28-Nov. 1.
• Approved early graduation in January, 2015 for a student who has met the requirements. The student will be allowed to take part in the regular graduation ceremonies.
• Approved some legal and clerical changes in the Employee Handbook.
The Annual School Board Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 22 in the cafeteria.
The next regular meeting will be held at 8 p.m., Oct. 13 in the Library.