Forty tractors participated producing fifty-four hooks in this year’s antique tractor pull at the Crawford County Fair. Top finishers for each class were as follows:
• 3,600 pounds: 1. David Saegrove, 1951 Allis Challmers WD.
• 4,100 pounds: 1. Opie Runice, 1950 Allis Challmers WD; 2. Aaron Johnsrude, 1948 Farmall H; 3. Gordie Peterson, 1950 Allis Challmers WD.
• 4,600 pounds: 1. Jonathan Anderson, 1954 John Deere 50; 2. Brian Sime, 1954 John Deere 50; 3. Steve Johnsrude, 1950 Allis Challmers WD.
• 5,100 pounds: 1. Jason Fry, 1947 Famall M; 2. Wade Brown, 1957 Farmall 400; 3. Bryce Brown, 1957 Farmall 400 and Bryce Brown, 1947 Farmall M (tie).
• 5,600 pounds: 1. Dan Wedeberg, 1950 John Deere A; 2. Jim Wedeberg, 1960 Oliver 770; 3. Dan Connelly, 1945 Farmall M.
• 6,100 pounds: 1. Gordie Peterson, 1958 Oliver 770; 2. Al Sime, 1954 John Deere 60; 3. Ron Hartley, 1958 Oliver 770.
• 6,600 pounds: 1. Mark Saegrove, 1948 Minneapolis Moline U; 2.Dan Wedeberg, 1950 John Deere G.
• ,7600 pounds: 1. Olin Anderson, 1960 Case 830; 2. Gary Morovits , 1960 Case 830 ; 3. Tim Cooley, 1954 John Deere 70.
• 8,100 pounds: 1. Dan Wedeberg, 1956 John Deere 720; 2 Ron Ellefson, 1958 Minneapolis Moline 5-Star.
The organizers thanked all who helped in any way, including those who brought tractors to pull, and those who volunteered to ride the sled. Special thanks to Charlie Fisher for announcing, Al Bark for providing the scale, and Ron Hartley for providing the Eliminator. Thanks also to all who helped weigh and register tractors, prepare and groom the track, measure distances, and serve as pull-back drivers.