CRAWFORD COUNTY - Crawford County Fair Coordinator Samantha Morovits informed members of the Fair Board at their meeting on May 4 that no individual has stepped forward to serve in the Fair Ambassador position this year.
“We received only one incomplete application by the original deadline, and none during the extended application period,” Morovits explained. “We won’t be able to crown anyone before this year’s Fair, and without the ambassador, we’re going to need help with some of the parades.”
Fairgrounds repairs
The week before, the Fair Board had conducted their annual walk-through to identify any issues that needed attention before the Fair. Items identified included electrical upgrades, gravel and blacktop, and gutters and a manure pit for the new horse barn.
“We need to prioritize the projects, and figure out what is essential versus nice to have,” Amanda Smiley told the board. “I think just the electric, the manure pit and the gravel will take up the whole capital improvements budget.”
Morovits reminded the board that the total capital improvements budget for the Fairgrounds for 2023 is $10,000.
“I think the electrical work for the dairy barn and 4-H building is the top priority,” Crawford County Supervisor Dave Olson said. “We should also go ahead and get the gravel that we need for the horse barn – it will probably be five-to-six loads at $20-$25 per yard.”
No estimates have been received yet for the horse barn manure pit, electrical work or the repairs to boards in the beef barn. The cost for gravel is estimated at $400, gutters for the horse barn at $2,500.
Smiley also asked if they could get some recycled blacktop from the Crawford County Highway Department to use around some of the buildings.
In other business
In other business the Fair Board:
• learned that sponsor letters are du by May 1, and that currently they have brought in $8,750 in general sponsorships, $1,700 in award sponsorships, and another $1,100 just that day
• learned that state aid to county fairs is $400,056 statewide, and that last year the county had paid $6,000, and was reimbursed at 95 percent for $5,473, Morovits encouraged board members to contact their state representatives to ask that the aid amount be increased
• learned that so far, $340 worth of raffle tickets had been sold for the UTV raffle designed to raise funds to offset the cost of construction of a new beer garden at the Fairgrounds
• learned that Seneca and Prairie du Chien FFA had submitted applications for youth in their organizations to be able to show at the Fair, and the applications were approved by the board
• learned that the only entertainment contract pending is for the Gays Mills Fire Department for their Water Fight
• approved the advertising plan proposed by Morovits for half-page ads in the Courier Press, Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout, and Boscobel Dial for a total of $1,000; $500 each for radio advertising, $1,000 for ads in shoppers, and $500 for signs; for a total budget of $5,500.
Fair Board raffle
The Crawford County Fair Board is holding a raffle to raise funds for the construction of the new ‘Whistle Stop Saloon’ beer vending area on the Fairgrounds. The building will be available to rent for other events as well.
The raffle prize will be a 2022 Polaris Sportsman 570 ATV from Prairie Motor Sports (winner to pay tax, title and license).
The raffle drawing will take place on Sunday, Aug. 27, at 12 p.m..
Tickets are available for purchase from Fair Board members Wayne Jerrett, Owen DuCharme, Dave Olson, Mary Kuhn and Craig Anderson. Tickets are $10 each or three for $25. Tickets are also available in:
• Prairie du Chien: Prairie Motor Sports and the UW-Extension Office in the County Administration Building
• Wauzeka: Boondock’s, Horseshoe Tavern
• Seneca: Johnson’s One Stop, No Bull Party Place and People’s State Bank
• Eastman: People’s State Bank
• Gays Mills: Halver’s Town Tap, Dante’s Bar
• Soldiers Grove: Burkum’s Milling, Solar Meats, Campbell’s One Stop, Country Gardens, Desperados, and People’s State Bank
• Mt. Zion: Mt. Zion Pub
• Boscobel: Pat & Greg’s Pour House