Johnson Public
Library Activities
DARLINGTON – The Johnson Public Library has many events for the public to enjoy. The events for December are: Dec. 23-Story Hour @ 10 a.m./ Lego Club @ 1:30 p.m.; Dec. 24-Closed: Merry Christmas!; Dec. 26-Story ‘n’ Craft Hour @ 10 a.m.-Bring in the New Year!/movie-Happy Feet @ 3:45 p.m.; Dec. 28-Wacky Wednesday from 6-7 p.m., for kids in grades 2-6, bring an adult!; Dec. 30-Story Hour @ 10 a.m.
Retirement Roast
for Suzi Osterday
DARLINGTON – Please join in celebrating a Retirement Roast honoring the one and only Suzi Osterday Jan. 22 at BridgeView Restaurant. Starting at 3-5 p.m. will be a social hour with dinner beginning from 5-6 p.m. Starting at 6 until 8 p.m. will be the time to “roast” Suzi. Cost is $10 per plate. RSVP to Carrie Shippy by Jan. 6 at 608-776-4325 or
A Madrigal Dinner
DARLINGTON – The Driver Opera House Center for the Arts presents A Madrigal Dinner Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017 at 6 p.m. Please arrive by 5:45 p.m. to be seated Bridge View Restaurant in Darlington. $50 per couple or $30 per person, includes the dinner and show. Advance tickets recommended. Call Candi for reservations by Tuesday, Dec. 27 at 608-574-0523. Join us for a magical evening of dinner and song!
Free Throw Championship
DARLINGTON – The Knights of Columbus will be having their Free Throw Championship for boys and girls ages 9-14 on Sunday, Jan. 8 at the Darlington Municipal Building Gym. Registration starts at 12:45 p.m. with competition beginning at 1 p.m. Entry forms available at the Mathy’s Ace Hardware, Piggly Wiggly, DEMS, Municipal Building Gym or at the time of registration. Snow date will be Jan. 15. For more information call Tony Ruesga at 776-8821.
Community Blood Drives
LAFAYETTE COUNTY – The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center encourages eligible donors to resolve to give blood regularly. Donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types AB, O, B negative and A negative. For questions about eligibility, please call the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center at (800) 747-5401. To donate, please contact Sue Paquette at (608) 776-5731. Blood donation is a safe, simple procedure that takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Individuals with diabetes or controlled high blood pressure may be accepted as eligible donors. The MVRBC is the exclusive provider to Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County.
Darlington – Thursday, Jan. 12 - 11a.m. - 3p.m., Memorial Hospital Conference Room
The Red Cross encourages eligible donors to resolve to give blood regularly. To make an appointment to donate blood, download the free Red Cross Blood Donor App from app stores, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
South Wayne – Wednesday, Jan. 4 - 1p.m. - 6p.m., Marty’s Village Inn, 207 W. Hwy 11
Belmont – Tuesday, Jan. 10 -12:30p.m. - 5:30p.m., Belmont Grade School gym
Lafayette County Steer Weigh-ins
DARLINGTON – 2017 Lafayette County Steer Weigh-ins will be held Jan. 21 from 9-noon at the Dearth Livestock Facility on Hwy 81. Questions, please contact Jolante Olson, Fair Secretary 776-4828.
NO Steak & Chicken Dinner
DARLINGTON – The Darlington American Legion Post #214 will NOT hold its Steak & Chicken Dinner during the months of November and December.
Lafayette County Upcoming Events - 12/22/16