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FFA Dairy Judging Team heads to Scotland this summer
FFA Judging
The Fennimore FFA Dairy Judging team consisting of Nick Needham, Rose French, Matthew Winch, and Wesley Winch will be competing in Scotland this summer.
The Fennimore FFA Dairy Judging Team of Nick Needham, Wesley Winch, Matthew Winch and Rose French will be taking their dairy judging skills to Scotland (Yes, the country) this summer.
        The trip to Scotland, taking place June 19 through July 3, was made possible by the team’s placing third overall at the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, this past November, under the guidance of Fennimore FFA advisor Shelby Mitchell, and coach Angie Hermsen.
        In addition to the team placing third, individually, Wesley Winch placed fourth, and Matthew Winch placing second overall.
        The Fennimore team will be one of five teams from the United States competing in the Royal Highlander Show in Edinburgh, Scotland.
        This will be the first time overseas for the four students.
        In addition to competing at the Royal Highlander Show, the team will be judging at a competition in Ireland, as well as touring, and visiting London, England as well.
        What is dairy judging?
        Dairy judging consists of the team evaluating four individual cows from a class criteria ranging from udders, “depth of gut,” legs, feet, dairy producing longevity, etc,
        The team makes their judgments and then those are compared with the competition’s official judges’, with the goal being to match or be close to the judges’ results.
        But it doesn’t stop there, in addition, the team gives a short presentation to the judges on how/why they came to their judgements, as well as taking a 50 question written exam covering a wide variety of dairy related questions.
        There is also a team activity where the team is given a hypothetical problem on a farm, and they “find a solution,” and present that to the judges as well.
        In a “European twist,” at the Royal Highlander Show, the team will also meet with the cattle breeders who will tell them about the cattle they will be judging, something the team hasn’t experienced judging over in the states.
        Fund raising
        Such a great opportunity does have a cost, around $5,800 a piece for Nick, Wesley Matthew, and Rose. And that amount does have to come “out of pocket.”
        The team is actively fund raising to help cover the cost.
        One example is the selling of Florida Strawberries. The team is taking orders until Feb. 15, with delivery of them the week of March 11.
        The strawberries are $30 for a flat of 8 quarts or $20 for half a flat Those interested may contact any of the members or call (608) 778-9150 to place an order.
        They will also be hosting “Donkey Basketball” on Wednesday, March 6, at 7 p.m., at Fennimore High School.
        They also will be a meal on Monday, March 18, with details to come.
        Donations are also appreciated.

        All donations and fund raisers are being run through the Fennimore FFA Alumni.