The Richland Center City Council acted to facilitate housing and business development in the city during its meeting Tuesday night in the Municipal Building.
The council adopted two resolutions. One resolution approves an amendment to the project plan of tax incremental district No. 6 on the western edge of the city (Panorama Estates) for the construction on a second unit.
The other resolution provides city support and sponsorship for a Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) - Community Development Investment (CDC) grant for the expansion of Los Amigos in the downtown part of the city.
The council also authorized the city’s share of the funds for the purchase of a new airconditioning unit to service the lobby of Symons Recreation Complex.
David Ferris of Ehlers, public finance advisors, explained the amendment to TID No. 6 is to expand the citys tax base by providing housing opportunities and provide development incentives to assist with the construction of the proposed improvements (Panorama 2).
Over $4.1 million is expected to be spent, and the city projects that new land and improvements of approximately $4.1 million will result. The district is expected to generate sufficient tax increment to pay all project costs within 27 years.
Ferris said the action will not mean the city is taking on additional debt and will not result in any tax increase.
The Plan Commission previously recommended the amendment and City Attorney Chris McGough wrote the plan is complete and complies with state law.
The council also supported the application for a WEDC-CDI grant for the expansion of Los Amigos to the north for increased space for business especially parties and events.
The new airconditioning unit for the Symons Recreation Complex lobby will cost $6800, and per the city’s agreement with the county, the city and county share costs on a 50/50 basis.
Assessor Gretchen Jelinek said the city has not undergone a revaluation of properties since 2008 and she expects the ratio between assessed valuation and actual value to be less than 80 percent next year.
The city has proposed conducting a revaluation using American Rescue Plan funds and expects to undertake it in 2023, according to Mayor Todd Coppernoll.
Richland Economic Development coordinator Jasen Glasbrenner noted the many projects and activities in which he has been involved.