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Council moving forward with boat landing plan
Bosco Boat Landing Schematic

BOSCOBEL - The Boscobel Common Council met Monday and approved moving forward with a million-dollar Boat Landing Improvement Plan they hope to pay for with grant monies. If those aren’t funds aren’t available the plan will be scaled back.

The city has been working on the project with the Madison-based engineering firm Strand Associates, which was out at the boat landing last week doing survey work.

“We looked at three different proposals and this is the one we thought we could pursue,” said Ald. Steve Fritz, who chairs the Boat Landing Committee, which looked at the plans last week. “It should make it a lot less congested out there.”

People familiar with the landing would hardly recognize the new design, which is illustrated below. It calls for one-way traffic in a counter-clockwise motion through the landing, which would feature two concrete launch ramps situated on either side of a floating ramp to better access boats. A canoe drop-off area would be located south of where the current landing is and two fishing piers would be installed on the west side of the lagoon, which would feature an aeration unit on the south end.

Parking would be located in the center of the landing and on the lawn on the east end. Paved parking spaces could accommodate 15 vehicles with trailers and 34 vehicles without trailers. There would also be four handicap parking spaces.

Car or SUV parking on the grass at the east end of the landing would also continue, but with the use of grass pavers. Grass block pavers, also known as turf block pavers or grow-through pavers, are an alternative to asphalt, concrete and traditional pavers. They’re made of concrete or recycled plastic with open cells that allow grass to grow through them. This makes parking easier in muddy conditions and spares the grass from being torn up. Plans currently call for putting in 27 of these, but the final number would depend on whether the city can obtain an easement from the Department of Transportation.

Plans call for pulverizing the existing asphalt base and laying new blacktop. New lighting would also be installed near the bathrooms and the landing area.

The plan also calls for cutting back the western entrance to the landing and making it deeper.

“We’re looking at 15 feet deep there, which would let the fish in and make it easier for boats to get in and out,” said Mayor Steve Wetter. “We’re at the point where we have to make a decision and get the grant process in motion.”

The city is applying for four separate grants and obtaining those is the key to making this project a reality. They include:

• Sport Fish Restoration Grant (U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service). Deadline is Feb. 1.

• Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant (Wisconsin DNR). Application deadline is May 1.

• Recreational Boating Facilities Grant (Wisconsin DNR). Application deadline is June 1.

There is also a separate Sport Fish Restoration Grant for fishing piers, which the city will apply for. Deadline is Oct. 1.

Wetter said his talks with the DNR have been positive with regard to obtaining the grants since the Boscobel landing has a 20-mile service area, meaning the nearest public boat landing is 10 miles in either direction.

“If we’re super lucky and can get them all, we can begin construction in 2022 or a little earlier,” said City Administrator Misty Molzof.

The Council voted unanimously to move forward with the plan.

“I think the committee did an excellent job and this is going to be great,” said Ald. Barb Bell.
Village Board learns of BMW Motorcycle Club plans in 2025
Soldiers Grove
Soldiers Grove

SOLDIERS GROVE - In the public input portion of their February 6 agenda, the Soldiers Grove Village Board learned about the Madison BMW Club’s plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their annual ‘Great River Road Rally.’ Each year, club members camp in the village park in May, and enjoy riding their motorcycles on scenic Driftless Area roadways.

“This year marks the 50th anniversary of our Great River Road Rally, and the theme for our event calls for giving some love back to Soldiers Grove that has hosted us,” BMW Club Rally Chairperson Chris Brown told the board. “Our goal is to have all of the food, beer, and coffee for our event benefit Soldiers Grove businesses. We also want to hold a 50/50 raffle, with proceeds going back to the sponsor – we don’t have a license, and so can’t sponsor the raffle ourselves.”

An event flyer for the Rally, planned for May 16-18, advertises two night’s camping with free firewood, meals on Friday and Saturday nights, spaces for tents, cars or campers, guided rides to Pete’s Hamburger Stand, the Muscoda Mushroom Festival, and more.

Soldiers Grove businesses interested in supporting the event should reach out to Village Clerk Kaitlynn Ott.

In other public input, trustee Harrison Heilman made an announcement regarding the village’s chicken ordinance.

“With the increase in the cost of eggs, I am now leaning toward being slightly more in favor of allowing backyard chickens in the village,” Heilman stated.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Jeannette McCormick reported that the department has led formation of a committee to plan for the 2025 Soldiers Grove Dairy Days event.

“The committee includes our department, as well as the Legion and the Lions, and we are meeting monthly,” McCormick reported. “On Friday night, there will be a Truck and Tractor Pull, the Legion will provide food all weekend, and the Lions will handle the beer and soda concession. There will be a carnival Friday through Sunday, and on Saturday.”

McCormick said that the Antique Tractor Club had backed out for Saturday, but would come on Sunday instead. She said the committee is also working on getting the Viroqua Summer Thunder horse show to perform. Lastly, she said the committee is also working on securing a band to perform on Saturday night.

McCormick said that training for department members is on pace, and the department’s Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) agreement is up for renewal. When asked about whether the department has responded to any grassfires in recent weeks, McCormick said “not in our service area, but we have provided mutual aid to Readstown for two grassfires.” Both McCormick and fellow fire department member Mike Allie took the opportunity to knock on wood as they shared that information.

Public Works

Mike Allie reported on behalf of the village’s public works team. He said that McCormick Electric has assisted the village in taking down all of their Christmas decorations. He said the team had cleaned up some smaller trees around Myrtle Lake, and worked with Crawford County staff to remove beavers on Baker Creek that were obstructing the creek’s flow.

“We’ve had some problems with our sanitary sewer system lift stations, and we’re working with B&M to get those resolve,” Allie reported.