SHULLSBURG – In a socially distancingly spaced Townsend Center Conference room, the City of Shullsburg called an emergency meeting to discuss declaring a state of emergency in Shullsburg on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.
After no discussion, arguments or fanfare the council approved Declaring a State of Emergency.
In the Declaration State of Emergency it states: During periods of emergency, the Mayor, shall have the authority to issue all such orders as deemed necessary to protect public life, health and safety including but not limited to carrying out the following duties:
•The power to direct emergency response activities by city departments.
•The power to execute contracts for the emergency construction or repair of public improvements, when the delay of advertising and public bidding might cause serious loss or injury to the city.
•The power to purchase or lease goods and services deemed necessary to the city's emergency response or for the repair of city facilities, or both.
•The power to lease real property, or structures, or both, that are deemed necessary for the continued operation of city government.
•The power to request additional funding and resources from county, state and federal governmental agencies.
•The power to authorize emergency costs pursuant to the city's labor force.
•The power to authorize the City Clerk to pay bills and process payroll.
The city commented on the move saying “State of Emergency” sounds scary, but this will allow us to be eligible for additional funding at both the state and federal level, should that become available.
It is more of an administrative tool that will allow the mayor, with the assistance of police chief, fire chief, rescue squad president, street & utilities department heads - to act in the best interests of the city.
In other business:
•Approved opening the burning grounds Saturday, April 4.
•Approved opening burning in the city, also starting Saturday, April 4 until Saturday, May 23.