DRIFTLESS - This election cycle we offered to run the endorsements of the candidates running in the local contested Democratic Primary Election.
Unfortunately, we failed to get this into this week’s issue of the Independent-Scout. So, we will present that information online instead. To those we inconvenienced, we apologize.
In the Crawford County Clerk Democratic Primary Election:
Robin Fisher was endorsed by former Crawford County Board Chairperson Pete Flesch and the current Crawford County Treasurer Deanne Lutz.
Kari Kronberg is the other candidate running for Crawford County Clerk in the Democratic Primary Election. Kari Kronberg did not provide a list of endorsements.
In the 96thDistrict Wisconsin State Assembly Democratic Primary Election:
Josefine Jaynes has been endorsed by Peoples Action, Citizens Action and WEAC (Wisconsin Education Association Council). Jaynes has also been endorsed by the following individuals–Ann Anderson, Gays Mills; Nancy Becker, Prairie Du Chien; Tanja Birke, Viroqua City Council Representative Ward 4; Paul Buhr, Viroqua; Karen Dahl, Viroqua; Lisa Henner, Viroqua; Cheryl Mader, Prairie Du Chien; Terry Noble, Viroqua City Council President; Sylvia Peterson, Viola; Jane Schmidt, Viola; Jan & John Sime, Readstown; and Eric Wiegel, Viola.
Tucker Gretebeck is the other candidate running in the 96thDistrict Wisconsin State Assembly Democratic Primary Election. Tucker Gretebeck did not provide a list of endorsements.
In the 32ndDistrict Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Primary Election:
Jayne Swiggum has been endorsed by United Electrical Workers–Western Region, Progressive Candidates and Our Wisconsin Revolution.
Brad Pfaff is the other candidate running in the 32ndDistrict Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Primary Election. Pfaff has been endorsed by the following Labor/Advocacy Groups:Wisconsin Laborers' District Council
South Central Building Trades, Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), Sierra Club- John Muir Chapter, Planned Parenthood Advocates for Wisconsin, Clean Wisconsin Action Fund, SEIU Wisconsin State Council, Wisconsin Conservation Voters (WCV), Teamsters Joint Council No. 39
AFL-CIO Wisconsin; and the following elected officials–US Senator Tammy Baldwin, US Representative Ron Kind, US Senator Herb Kohl (ret.), Governor Jim Doyle (ret.), Attorney General Josh Kaul, State Senator Jennifer Shilling (ret.), State Representative Steve Doyle and State Representative Jill Billings.