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Splash pad/natural playground planned for community park
Story 3

DICKEYVILLE – The future of the Dickeyville Community Park was addressed during a special Family Fun Night event last week. On July 19, the Dickeyville Park Foundation, Inc. hosted the event at the park, which included live music, a pickleball demo, a raffle, and more. Foundation members also provided an update on park renovation plans.

As previously reported, phase one of the project, the addition of pickleball courts and renovation of the basketball court, was completed in the summer of 2022. Phase two includes the construction of a splash pad, while phase three will include the construction of a natural playground. According to information provided by the foundation, “a natural playground is a play environment that consists of elements and textures from the earth, such as tree logs, tree stumps, boulders, plants, drainage paths, among others, instead of a traditional steel playground structure.”

The foundation has raised approximately $250,000 for the next phases of the project. In addition, the group applied for a DNR matching grant worth another $250,000. They will be notified of the results of that award later this year. That would go towards the splash pad, with construction planned for the spring of 2024, and completion, possibly, by June 1. Any money left over will be used to start construction of the new natural playground. “We’ll start building with what we can,” said Cheryl Kieler, foundation president, in reference to the new park equipment.

Cuba City submitted a similar DNR grant, which will be used, in part, to construct an inclusive playground at Splinter Park. Dickeyville officials had originally planned to build an inclusive playground, however, have transitioned to a natural playground. That move was made to increase their chances of being awarded the DNR grant. Having two grant applications earmarked for inclusive playgrounds for two communities that are close together, didn’t seem like the best option for the Dickeyville Foundation. “If we go for something like this and they go for something different, it helps both of our chances,” said Kieler.

The foundation is continuing to raise money and write grants to benefit the project. “With the supporting cast that we do have from the communities around and here in Dickeyville, it’s been a true blessing,” said Matt Gantenbein, Dickeyville village president and member of the foundation board. “The people who are on the park foundation are doing a heck of a job trying to organize. You couldn’t ask for a better committee.”

Gantenbein is optimistic about the future. “June 1 can’t come soon enough,” he said. “I know every kid in this town has been asking me about it. It would be a great scenario if it could all be completed by June 1.”

The initial cost to get the splash pad installed is $300,000. That would include the base plan and installation of geysers. The addition of special water features would cost between $3,500 – $57,000 each.

The total cost of phase one was approximately $40,000. Initial donations came from community organizations and businesses and were used as naming rights for the four pickleball courts. Additional individual donations were made, as well. No tax money was used on that project.

The renovation work for phase one included resurfacing, installing new pickleball nets and game fencing, painting lines and installing the basketball hoops. They were able to utilize the existing concrete, as well as the lights and outer fencing.

Funding for the project is coming primarily from private/ business donations and grants secured by the foundation, which has established its 501©3 nonprofit designation.

Information about upcoming fundraising events or additional information is posted on the foundation’s Facebook page by searching “Dickeyville Park Foundation, Inc.” The group welcomes fundraising ideas and is looking for volunteers. Anyone with questions can email