CUBA CITY—With the input of a group of 13 area citizens at Monday’s organizational meeting, Cuba City’s first community market is set for 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at Veterans Memorial Park.
Initially, the market will be held once this fall as a trial to determine if a larger-scale of planning is worth the effort of the committee. If the September market is well-received, regular markets will be planned for once or twice a month during the summer months of 2014.
“We need to get people back to Cuba City,” Amy Sampson of Dead End Bar and Grill said. Others at the meeting said they saw the community market as an opportunity to see people’s talents and provide an chance to socialize.
The market is designed to provide an outlet for area produce and craft vendors while also providing a local shopping area for citizens. No resale items will be allowed.
The market could help the community in many ways, including creating a new source of income for vendors, offering consumers more options at a convenient location, strengthening ties between consumers and area businesses or famers and providing an opportunity to socialize within Cuba City.
“It’s local products for local consumers,” Gail McWilliams, city council alderwoman, said.
Several locations were discussed, but Veterans Memorial Park, located one block east of Main Street, between east Clay Street and east Weber Street, was determined to be the best location for this event because of the central location, abundant parking, manageable size of park and sidewalks on every edge. The vendors would be set up in 8-foot square spots near the sidewalks on the outer edges of the park.
The theme for the event is “Make it, bake it, grow it, sell it.” The group is still seeking vendors for the event. The city’s economic development director, Taylor Gronau, is assembling a list of potential vendors to contact.
Applications will be available soon at City Hall or on the city’s website, There is no cost for vendors at the first market; however, fees will likely be assessed for future markets to help with the costs of marketing the events.
The next organizational meeting for the community market will be held on Aug. 22 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall in Cuba City.