The Hillsboro area has been blessed for many years with a large number of community service organizations that exist mostly to make life a little easier for local folks, while also offering fellowship and a caring atmosphere for members.
That sort of thinking forms the basic membership core of the Hillsboro Lions Club that was founded June 24, 1986.
The reason is quite easy to explain. The membership is filled with more than 65 people who believe in the fulfillment of helping others in need, and the outright joy of working with friends to accomplish that goal.
Neighborly activities and meaningful fundraisers have formed the backbone of the local Lions Club, although a continuing pledge to assist the blind and prevent the spread of blindness forms the main mission of the national organization.
Hillsboro residents offer strong support for Lions activities throughout the year such as the Empty Stocking Project; gun raffles; dinner salute to police, firemen, EMTs and other public servants; dairy breakfast; Bingo games; and an annual bowling tournament fundraiser.
They also send a boy and a girl to Badger State annually.
In addition, the club presents two $500 scholarships at every Hillsboro High School graduation.
One of the Lions’ favorite activities is assisting Helping Our People Everyday (H.O.P.E.) with its annual fund-raising project to fight cancer. Who can resist a donation request from those friendly “flying pigs” who mysteriously show up unexpectedly on lawns all over town?
In addition to all their own projects, local Lions also offer much needed manpower assistance and regular donations that are kept confidential.
Hillsboro Lions meetings are held at Beezers Bar & Grill on Water Ave. the first Monday of every month.
The members have something to be especially proud of at this time. Long-time Hillsboro member Shawn Redington, who has been very active in many different activities, is now a State District Governor.
Local officers are President Al Skemp, Treasurer Doris Skemp, Secretary Deb Arndt, and Tail Twister Sandy Jindrick.
If you are interested in joining and helping this group continue its needed service to our area, telephone any Hillsboro Lions Club member.