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Springs uplift moods
Seasonal spring generally comes when we most need to feel elevated.
Some years seasonal spring’s coming lingers late according to the calendar. There are locations, however, where spring is present long before what the calendar proclaims it to be.
Chronology expressed using annual tree ringsOne of the most read chronologies using tree rings occurs in Aldo Leopold’s book, “A Sand County Almanac,” published and first printed in 1949 by Oxford University Press. Aldo Leopold, using a cross-cut saw, dropped a dead oak, which he used for heat. He determined the tree had 80 annual rings, the first being laid down in 1865. He used the date the oak died, the number of rings in the wood, and counted back to the trunk’s pith region and first ring. These rings in the wood (xylem tissue) are laid down by a meristem (growth producing) positioned between a tree’s wood and bark.January 9, 2025
Plethora of winter pursuits outdoorsWinter is not a desert for new outdoors actions, revising old ones, and tinkering indoors until weather is more accommodating to venture.December 13, 2024
North: where autumn dalliesNorthern Wisconsin’s autumn offers something for everyone. Multitasking is encouraged. Hunters can admire foliage; birders and hikers can be startled and excited when hearing a ruffed grouse.October 18, 2024